Geschichte(n) von Sarazenen, Staufern und mehr

Highlights of an undiscovered region

Basilicata and a look at Puglia
Story (s) of Saracens, Normans and Staufers

Basilicata is one of the regions in southern Italy that was somehow “forgotten”. Formerly feared because of bandits and today, due to a lack of transport links, they are being pushed aside from tourism. However, if you take a trip to this region of the Mezzogiorno in Italy, you will take home great experiences in every respect. Rich in culture and nature, original culinary delights and hospitality. The landscape changes from the sea to the mountains and when we see them we are simply amazed. It is a region with the longest history of Italy, which is still one of the few undiscovered people in Italy and yet offers nothing but great things.

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