The Siibillini Mountains in the cycle of the year

The eternal cycle of nature

wilde Alpenveilchen

Spring and early summer
The sea of blossoms of wild orchids, daffodils, gentians, bluebells or crocuses is spectacular on the mountain slopes in spring and early summer. The yellow of the sunflowers, which grow on large areas both in the hills and in the foothills, will compete with the sun from mid-June. Flowers, which are partly endemic in nature, flourish here as if poured out. Or flowers that we otherwise tend lovingly in our gardens in the hope that they may thrive. The corn poppy in unbelievable quantities makes fields appear to be on fire. Once you have enjoyed this sight, it will be remembered and held in your heart forever.


Is autumn and winter coming ...
No less colorful, just different, the National Park of the Sibillini Mountains welcomes you in autumn.
The leaves of the different maple species, the chestnut and beech forests shine in all shades of red, yellow, gold and brown.

Thousands of wild cyclamen grow under trees covered with ivy on the various hiking trails, such as the one to the hermit of San Leonardo or from Balzo Rosso down to the Madonna dell'Ambro. Long-stemmed silver thistles are replacing the summer flowers in bloom on the open meadows.I have often said that the only thing missing is a prince on a mold that rides through these wild and romantic forests. It is not an exaggeration to speak of the magical world of the Sibillini Mountains ...


Am Ambrofluss

In den Kastanienwäldern beginnt die Ernte der Maronen, die Trüffelhunde werden ab Oktober zur Suche nach den wertvollen Knollen losgelassen und die Steinpilzsammler können mit reichen Funden rechnen. Die Tage sind klar und angenehm unter der noch immer warmen Herbstsonne. Was im Sommer oft am Horizont von Dunst verschleiert ist, stellt sich nun mit fotografischer Genauigkeit dar. Von den Hügeln aus betrachtet rücken die Berge in greifbare Nähe, werden hier und da einzelne schneebedeckte Flecken sichtbar. Es ist, als ob man ein Spielzeugland betrachtet.

Die Zauberwelt der Sibillinischen Berge im Licht des Herbstes
Das Licht des Herbstes bringt wunderschöne Effekte. Die Berge erscheinen wie mit grünem Samt überzogen im milden Sonnenschein. Selbst nach all den Jahren meines Hierseins hat für mich dieser Anblick nichts von seinem Zauber verloren. Unsere Sibillinen werden nicht umsonst auch liebevoll die Monti Azzurri genannt, die himmelblauen Berge. Vor allem in den Herbst-und Wintermonaten präsentieren sie sich in allen Blau-Schattierungen.


auf dem Monte Sibilla

Magic of winter
Once winter has really started, it often doesn't even spare the coastal region. Every now and then the Lungomare palms are covered in white in the places along the sea. However, this is not permanent and happens quite rarely.
The white splendor only holds in the mountains. The waterfalls freeze to ice, the ski hikers take their tours through the meter-high snow on the so-called Ciaspole, the snowshoes. In the morning, the sun bathes the white peaks in delicate pink tones, in the afternoon they change to every conceivable shade of blue. No ski lift and the hustle and bustle associated with it disturbs the picture of this wintry peace. You are alone with the silence of nature.


bei Montefortino

Cycle of life and nature
In March, with the first spring sun, this wonderful cycle of the seasons begins again. Even after years you will never tire of looking at these natural wonders again and again.

The snow is still in March in the shady mountain valleys and on the peaks. We have already seen that snow-covered spots were still to be found on Monte Vettore in June. At a height of 1,000 m, however, the fireworks of the colors of our flowers and bushes begin again. The world looks as if it has just been washed and gives visitors a feeling of peace that is not often felt in our stressful world.