some bigger animals

The slightly bigger animals
The wolves are difficult to observe, but not so rare. They always lived in the local mountains, but before the national park was founded, their number was very decimated. Their proliferation has been very good in recent years and we no longer have to fear for their survival.

If the question of the "wolf danger" arises: there are very shy animals that avoid people. In 15 years I have only once seen a wolf from a distance of approx. 500 m. More often, however, the remains of their meals. Wolves also have to live on something and so it happens that a calf or a sheep becomes their meal here and there. It is usually sick or weak animals that fall victim to them.

Like the wolves, the wildcats are very rare. They are also extremely shy animals. During a hike with a tour group, my dog ​​started barking like a madman under a tree. I saw a cat hanging on the trunk, at least I thought so. Surprised to see a supposed domestic cat in the middle of the forest, I got the laughter of my partner Pietro, who grew up in the Sibillins.

Porcupines are much more common. They have their homes in the hills, in the Sibillins, even here very close to the sea.
The dormouse usually hides from the eyes of the people, but sometimes you can see them.